Wednesday 14 September 2011


Focus Film

[Source]: Panic Room (David Fincher, 2002) –I have decided to use this as my focus film as Panic Room is a typical example of a modern Western thriller movie. The director (David Fincher) has included many common thriller conventions which makes it an ideal source to explore this genre. I have included a range of thriller movies from different directors in the 20th Century to explore how their films conform to the Western thriller conventions or how the director challenges these conventions.

Related Films

[Source]: Taken (Luc Besson, 2008) – I have included this film as it consist of many similar conventions to that of Panic room, which result in it being a very gripping and exciting thriller. Both ‘Panic Room’ and ‘Taken’ show the extreme determination of the parents in how far they are willing to go to protect their children. This creates a heroic theme in both of the movies. In most thriller films the violence is usually unseen; however the director has decided to challenge this convention.

[Source]: Flight Plan (Robert Schwentke, 2005) - This film is a perfect example of a thriller movie as the director has included many key conventions such as ‘kidnapping’ and ‘paranoia’. It creates suspense to the audience and a desire to find out more, which is what a successful thriller aims to do.

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